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  • Writer's pictureKerri Trengove

COVID-19 update - Will it affect my marriage

Updated: Mar 24, 2020


The news as of 24 March 2020 - Weddings have now been limited to a maximum of 5 people. The Couple, 2 witnesses and the Celebrant. Whilst this is heartbreaking for many couples, it is necessary to protect each other and other members of our community. Stay safe and keep healthy.

WEDDINGS AND FUNERALS - can continue as long as they do not break protocols of having more than 100 people in one room, and provided each guest has the equivalent of 4 square metres of space. For events outside, the limit is still a maximum of 500 people. Read more here

So what this means is that you may have a wedding outside as long as social distancing is adhered to. If you are feeling uncomfortable with having a gathering, then you can consider a legal wedding; you and your partner, two witnesses and a celebrant. Then, once the pandemic is over if you chose you may have a commitment ceremony with your family and friends. We still have options! But be sensible and consider the vulnerable members of our community. Let's get through this together.

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